My alarm goes off …. at 7am. The first thing I do is jump in the shower – I need one of these every morning to wake up. I have a coffee and grab my bag which has my workout clothes and my work bits and head straight to the gym. There is no better way to start the day than with movement.
My morning place is … The gym. It’s a space which allows me to dedicate some “me-time”. I try and mix my training up so it doesn’t get boring. You might find me weight training one week and interval training the next with some core work inbetween. I’ve recently taken up yoga which is very different for me. Definitely out of my comfort zone but I’m sticking with it and giving it a go. I was surprised at how much I enjoy it! I am quite a fidgety person so to get me in the “zone” has always been a challenge.
My commute is … it sucks!!! But this is where I can utilise my time to respond to emails and questions from clients and book appointments in for the day/week. I also plug in my earphones and get some motivation audio book time in. I turn my commutes into a pre-work study session this way.
My typical day … Train then a full day in the grooming lounge. I’m usually booked back to back so it’s all go from the moment I get in. My work is very social so you will often find me meeting clients for lunch or a drink, taking my team out for team building or on a quieter break, building ideas for my podcasts. I do try and head straight home after work for much needed rest.
My most memorable moment … Without a doubt the moments of charity work. Style for soldiers and a spark of hope in Senegal are two charities that I have worked with and although I go to give a part of me, I always end up taking something back – true eye openers in every sense and they help me to take a breath and simply be grateful. There’s definitely going to be so much more charity work in the future.
The hardest part of my role … Is the long hours. But, regardless if the day has been tough or not, I give my clients my all – It really rubs off on clients if you’re not happy and people feel the energy so it’s important to stay motivated and stay positive throughout the day.
The best part of my business … Making people look and feel great, giving them the confidence to take on anything. Seeing a client’s face light up when the final touches have been applied and they walk out feeling on top of the world. I also get some really incredible people in my chair, when they open up you realise what an inspiration they are!. I also get invited to some really special events and places – always a plus!
After work … My new found yoga hobby finds me in a post-work session a couple of nights a week. But you can also find me catching up with close friends. When you work full days it’s hard to spend time with the guys you grew up with.
Stefan Says: Have the motivation, see the goal and work out how to get there.